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What do these two pages include?
by Richard R. Cook, Jr.
These pages include links to information concerning the treatments and causes of types of odor that form on various parts of the body: underarms, breath, hair/scalp, groin, and feet. Scroll down on this page for that information. There are images of products on both pages that you can click on to order from Amazon.com. Among other info on page 2 are also links to over-the-counter anti-depressant medication and links to how to manage stress and social anxiety. Click here if you wish to view page 2 now.
What’s it all about?

Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) is a metabolic disorder that causes a pungent odor. When bacteria in the large intestines metabolize (or break down) choline (a nutrient found in nearly all foods), trimethylamine is created. For many people, the liver is unable to convert trimethylamine (the compound that causes a fishy odor) into the odorless compound trimethylamine N-oxide. The result is a fishy body odor though some body odor types (i.e. fecal) vary in persons with TMAU.
There are two types of TMAU: Type 1 is when you’re genetically born with it; type 2 is when you acquire the disorder in several ways.
In a normal liver, the enzyme Flavin-Containing Monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) neutralizes the fishy smell of trimethylamine, converting it into the odorless compound trimethylamine N-oxide, which is then released into the urine. However, for many people worldwide, this FMO3 enzyme is severely deficient. The result is that an unneutralized (or under-neutralized) odor of trimethylamine is released throughout the body in the sweat, urine, breath, and reproductive fluids.
Choline is an important nutrient for, among other functions, maintaining a healthy brain. But for people with TMAU, the consumption of foods rich in choline increases their body odor. Why? First, a clarification: The metabolism of food is the chemical process by which the components of the food are broken down (or processed) and turned into energy and other requirements for the body. It is during this process that choline creates trimethylamine. So the more choline, the more odor-causing trimethylamine there is for the defective FMO3 enzyme in the liver to struggle to neutralize.
Because choline is considered to be related (though not officially) to the vitamin B complex, it might be a good idea for people on a low-choline diet to take vitamin B supplements. But if you’re on medication or have a separate medical condition it is also a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting on supplements of any type.
Reason to be hopeful
Trimethylaminuria has existed for many centuries. There is no known cure. However, the existence of this little-known malady is gaining traction in the medical field. That is good reason to believe that better treatment is on the horizon and even a cure.
Click here to visit the MEBO website–see what’s new and happening with treatments and lots of other important info concerning TMAU.
Take a look at this article on causes of body odor and what your scent says about your health: What Causes Bad Body Odor, and How Do I Get Rid of It? | Allure
Below is the link for info on halitosis (chronic bad breath) and how to contact breath institutes in London, Manchester, and Dubai.
Note: TMAU is not the only condition that causes chronic odor. Others include, but are not limited to, diabetes, liver disease, and foot and groin fungal infections. If you’re suffering from a groin fungal infection, click here for possible treatment.
If you believe there is anything on this page and page 2 that is inaccurate, please place your message in the comments box at the bottom of the page.
Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Most Amazon links on this website are affiliate links. Clicking on any image or link on this page will send you directly to that website, whether it is Amazon.com or any other site. Any personal information–passwords, bank info, etc.–is not saved on this website. Once you are taken to another site, you are no longer on this site. Also not collected are the purchaser’s name and the item that was purchased. The only information that is collected by this site is, how many Amazon.com items were purchased, when, and the price of those items.
Another Odor Causer?
Don’t think you have TMAU?
If you feel you have a possible yeast, fungal, or bacterial overgrowth, click on the following links for important information on treatment: (Scroll further down for foot, groin, and underarm odor treatments. Look under ODOR TREATMENTS AND INFO.)
The following link is to antibacterial products you can purchase on Amazon.com.
If you have groin odor, click here for more specific info on treatments.
Click on the following links for info on Candida, yeast, and other forms of groin fungus:
Boric acid as treatment
Candida supplements
How body odor works & medications for it
For males with a yeast (yes, men can have that too) or fungal infection, please click here for a page on this website.
The following boric acid suppository products from Amazon.com are for women.
Boric acid suppositories products
More Links Related To TMAU
Know anything about fecal transplanting?
The following two links will take you to websites that will explain what it means and how you can participate in any studies that are possibly being done in your area. A member of this site brought this to my attention:
The following link is to a post from a TMAU sufferer who believes to have found a cure:
Systemic body odor blog:
TMAU Testing
Want to be tested for TMAU?
Here is the link. Once there, click on Testing at the top of the page.
Want to know if the supplement you’re taking or you’re thinking of trying is safe and meets the claims that are on the product’s label?
Click this link to find out if certain supplements meet the guidelines of the United States FDA (Food & Drug Administration):
If you are on medication or have a separate medical condition, please consult with a healthcare professional before taking supplements of any kind.
Click the following links for probiotics for women and a supplement for men & women.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I receive a commission on every item that qualifies. Most links on this website are affiliate links.
Body Deodorant Products
Want to order and/or learn more about deodorant capsules, tablets, and soft gels? Click on any of the following links.
Nature’s Way Activated Charcoal Supplement Gluten-Free 100 Capsules
DEVROM Tablets (Internal Deoderant)200MG 100chewable Tablets (2)
Nullo Internal Deodorant (60 Caplets)
FREE TMAU Anthology eBook:
Our Journey: Overcoming the Stigma of the Invisible Monster
What is it?
This anthology–comprised of authentic essays, uplifting poetry, entertaining TMAU fictional stories, and more–was written by members of a TMAU support group. Below is the PDF link to it. Feel free to download it to your computer.
Odor Treatments and Info
This is a list of areas of the body where chronic odor maladies take place. The links are for information and treatments you might not have tried yet.
If you find that anything here works for you, please leave a comment about it at the bottom of this page so that others may be inspired to try it as well.
This following link is to body & underarm detox products on Amazon:
If you are on medication or have a separate medical condition, please consult with a healthcare professional before taking supplements of any kind.
Bad Breath (Halitosis):
This PDF link http://therabreath.com/docs/Ozone_Generator.pdf was taken from a website for Halitosis at http://www.badbreathhalitosis.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?
This link has ample info on halitosis http://www.medicinenet.com/bad_breath/article.htm
This is a link to a website claiming to have a cure for halitosis http://www.profresh.com/?gclid=CPaa4-qEsccCFY89gQodGg0Inw
The following dental probiotic supplement product may help with breath odor. Click the link to order and/or read reviews and other info at Amazon.com.
Groin, Foot, and Underarm:
These are links to products and information on how to treat groin, foot, and underarm odor to purchase from Amazom:
Groin odor:
YouTube video on groin odor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M_JbZWfTi4
For groin odor only, please click here to access the page on this website.
Foot odor:
Home remedies for foot odor: http://www.top10homeremedies.com/home-remedies/home-remedies-for-foot-odor.html
Antifungal creams, such as Clotrimazol, as well as soaps and powders, can help with groin fungus. You can order and/or read reviews and other info about these products at Amazon.con.
The following product links are for the foot and body. Click on the links to order and/or read reviews and other info about it at Amazon.com.
Click the link in the box below to find out if Hibiscrub is the right odor eliminator for your feet:
The following product can be used for foot odor, as well as underarm odor.
Underarm odor:
This tee tree oil product kills fungus and aid in other skin conditions.
These 2 products are for women:
vH essentials Prebiotic PH Balanced Vaginal Suppositories
vH essentials Prebiotic PH Balanced Vaginal SuppositoriesBox, Original Version, 15 Count
Feminine Body Wash 5 fl oz – Natural Cleansing Mousse with Unique Probiotic Support, pH Balanced
Scalp & Hair:
Uncle Funky’s Daughter Defunk Hair Odor Neutralizing Tonic, 8 oz
Click here for more links on page 2
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