Free Dating & Friendship Site for Rare Hearts
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Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).
This name could be different from your username or the same. It’s okay if you wish to use an alias. A full name or just one name is okay.
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Even though this field is required, you may choose who can see it by using the dropdown menu below. The “Everyone” option on the list means that it will be visible to even non-members visiting the site.
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If you wish to fill in this field, you may choose who can see it by using the dropdown menu below. The “Everyone” option on the list means that it will be visible to even non-members visiting the site.
Where are you specifically located in your country? If you wish to fill in this field, you may choose who can see it by using the dropdown menu below. The “Everyone” option on the list means that it will be visible to even non-members visiting the site.
Feel free to mention whatever you wish about yourself. Please do not include personal contact info. If you wish to fill in this field, you may choose who can see it by using the dropdown menu below. The “Everyone” option on the list means that it will be visible to even non-members visiting the site.
Please don’t forget to complete your profile after registration., if you wish to do so. Click on the Members page > your avatar (or photo) > Profile > Edit > Interests.
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The default language that your Welcome email will be sent to you is English, or it will be sent in any other language that you are reading this sentence in.
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